
Eraulia Nadinda Rachmat or Dinda is currently living in Hamburg, Germany and working as a software engineer at Mercury Media Technology GmbH. Before switching career to software engineering, she graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Business Management with Finance concentration from Bandung Institute of Technology.


In this episode, we talked with Eraulia Nadinda Rachmat who usually goes by Dinda. Dinda is currently working as a software engineer at Mercury Media Technology GmbH. Dinda talked about her experience switching her career to software engineering, joining coding bootcamp, and her experince on Outreachy program. We also talked about functional programming and Dinda’s experience on using programming languages like Elm and Elixir.


01:50 - How Dinda got interested in tech

17:00 - Experience in joining a coding bootcamp

26:00 - Current role

29:41 - Using Elixir dan Elm

32:29 - What is functional programming?

49:00 - Dinda’s experience in the Outreachy program

56:00 - Community experiences
